Thursday, September 08, 2005

Have you ever thought about the effects of constant bombardment of Fairness Creams in the Indian psyche?
Well I found the way in which the latest ad of fairness cream portrays the dusky beauty is a downright insulting.
The ad went about some thing like this.
A group of college kids are featured in an outing in Kashmir. The heroine (or the villain) is snubbed by the handsome fair hero. Our dame is devastated by this. A beautiful (read fair) Kashmiri girl leads her to the Holy Grail which is the Kashmiri Kesar! Predictably our girl uses the secret remedy and viola ... she has metamorphosises into a fair skinned beauty whom no longer our hero can overlook. And there the happy story ends.

This is just one instance. You turn on the TV and you are flooded with hoards of Beauty creams which promises overnight transformation into a fair skinned brilliant beauty (!)

(Reminds me of the tale of the frog turning into a handsome prince)

What is the moral of the story?
If you are dark skinned you have no value in this earth. You cannot get your dream job(as the case of a reporter) ,your parents are ashamed of you , you wont get a good groom for yourself. You won’t even get a handsome boyfriend.
If a boy falls for a girl by judging the degree of fairness, the girl better not say yes. This is a mass propaganda fuelled by the cosmetics industry. (Whose existence depends on crowning a few miss world/universe from India or other backward country).
No doubt one of the most intrinsic cravings of the human being is to look beautiful. I accept it. That is the reason we buy branded clothes, use fancy perfume. But the mass is forced to equate beauty with fairness.
As a result the gullible Indian mass is falling easy prey to the ploy of the companies, who are laughing all the way down...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey listen
interesting blog but i need to urgently know which brand this fairness cream commercial was for??the one invovling kashmiri kesar..
need to know very urgently..
wud be nice of u reply quickly
pls reply on asap.
take care

9:31 PM  

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