Monday, August 01, 2005

Without much of a first time "birth pang" here i am !Thanx to the latest development of technology which has made e-publishing an out right easy task which even your granny can pick up!!
Initially i scoffed at the very idea of having a Blog. When i was young at times i had sporadic burst of enthusiasm of writing diaries. they usually lasted for 6-months to a year and kept on recurring with larger delays in between.
what do we write in a diary? dont we write personal stuff in diaries...isnt? Stuff we want to keep to our selves maybe or things that made sense or which didnt usually finds place in a diary which we guarded fiercely lest they fall under unwanted scanning!!
But blog is a diary which any DAMN person in this earth with a net connection can read. So i used to wonder may be blog is a sort of filtered personal diary...My "step motherly” attitude changed over the months and here i am. This is my way of expression of what ever brazen thoughts n ideas that keep on hallucinating me...and much much more!


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