Tuesday, August 23, 2005

man proposes god disposes

this is a well known almost universal cliché which every looser swears by. somehow i find this whole idea stupid. it is true that we didn't come to this world on our own. but since then, where ever we are today is because what we have chosen to do yesterday.
this brings me at loggerheads to the fatalists. i refuse to believe in arbit things as luck, fate. the whole idea that we are not in charge of our own life nauseates me. we are architects of our own destiny .we are who we choose to be.
it is important to fail in life. the person who has never failed in life can never fully experience the euphoria of victory. and slowly victory/winning becomes a habit.
let us all close our "mind" and think for a minute where do you want to see yourself 5 & 10 years down the line .you might be surprised to see what a little bit of introspections gives a whole new dimension to our life.


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